Thursday, January 12, 2023

aircraft carriers crossword

Aircraft Carriers Crossword - A spokesman told me that naval officials "turned a blind eye" on Thursday because they believed President Donald Trump would abandon the long-planned digital flight system in favor of steam-powered on a new aircraft carrier.

Trump magazine described his distaste for the catapult system on board the USS Trump, nicknamed EMALS, Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System.

Aircraft Carriers Crossword

Aircraft Carriers Crossword

He only released part of the interview, not the full transcript.) The president said he wanted to disrupt and pilot EMALS, a major technological upgrade at the heart of the aircraft carrier project. worth millions of dollars.

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I said, "You don't use steam for catapults anymore?" - Rarely. Me: Oh, how does it work? I said. "Sir, it's not okay. Not good. No electricity. You know steam is just wild. You see exhaust pipes and steam all over the place and jets of water going up into the air. "Too bad for me. Electronics. They have digital. What is digital? It's so complicated that it took Albert Einstein to figure it out. And I said, now they want to buy more aircraft carriers. I said, "What network are you going to be" - "Sir, we're digital." Me: No, you're not. God, digital costs hundreds of millions of dollars and it's not good. ."

What is digital? It means using a computer to do something "digital" to answer the president's question without having to type in so many 0s and 1s. You know, the same machine that connects them all. us with cyberspace. Are you still with me, or should I bring Einstein here? (I mean, Einstein did a great job and it's becoming more and more popular.) EMALS uses linear induction motors, not just computer based. This engine, which uses electric current to activate the magnetic core, moves a train carriage to propel the aircraft without using a steam piston engine to propel the aircraft.

Despite Trump's tech savvy, he's TV-obsessed, a fairly early Internet user, and has an unusual taste for drama on Twitter — the question of "digital" is reminiscent. to the lack of transparency in network security.

Not that EMALS was a huge success. The overwhelming cost and schedule have earned the Navy's aircraft carrier project the reputation of "one of the most spectacular challenges in recent memory," as Arizona Republican Senator John McCain has noted. in 2015. "That's saying something." Ford's construction of three aircraft carriers has grown from $27 billion to $36 billion over the past 10 years.

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But the problems with Ford's carrier program are more organizational than technological - a common theme in infrastructure megaprojects. McCain blamed the "wrong division of responsibility and accountability in our defenses" and the defense system's massive bureaucracy, which includes multiple offices and program managers.

Trump seems to have grasped the project's bad reputation without appreciating, or at least clearly explaining, the complexity of the transition from steam to digital.

Steam-powered catapults have been used to launch aircraft from US aircraft carriers for nearly six decades. Steam systems are not only more difficult to maintain than electrical systems; during combat, it has a higher limit, meaning the power system can produce more aircraft in a shorter amount of time. The electrical system can handle small aircraft and drones better than steam. Steam systems put extra stress on the space and are more susceptible to corrosion. Not only that, the carriers themselves are also very vulnerable to attack, which means equipping them with modern defense systems.

Aircraft Carriers Crossword

The goal of the modernized system is to create a "honeycomb of interconnected forces that can reach targets in the air, at sea, in space and on land, with range and damage." , as Robbin Laird and Ed Timperlake wrote for the website Breaking. Defense 2015.

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Despite some serious failures in the initial tests, EMALS is now complete and ready for sea trials. This is one of three major initiatives by the Navy to upgrade weapons systems for the digital age.

Trump's move may come as a surprise, but it also aligns with some of his other views on technology. After all, the president has repeatedly spoken of a return to America's golden age, a thought that is both ludicrous and disappointing to anyone who closely follows the forces driving the global economy. . Among them: the rise of automation, which Trump has ignored, and promises to fundamentally change the way people work in many industries.

Again, for someone who clearly cares about ruggedness, you'd think Trump might appreciate EMALS: The Operational System That Can Take the Lightest Drone to a Rigid F-35 cable and it far exceeds the established technological limits. by steam. Trump has shown his love for super-carriers and said he plans to increase the US fleet from 10 to 12.

However, he did not show how to pay. Reuters reported in March that the cost of a new Ford-class aircraft carrier would represent about 20% of the defense budget proposed by Trump, without spending about $11 billion.

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The Navy said it was working to find a way to address the president's concerns. A spokesman said he would issue a statement Thursday afternoon and outline discussion points for Navy officials if the issue comes up at public events.

At the same time, Trump should worry more about the infrastructure promise featured on his campaign than a near-miss project. and flap their wings to line up in Liscom Bay, the anchorage of the United States Navy. In October 1943, Castello, one of 36 planes that had landed, prepared to join the American forces in driving the Japanese out of their stronghold in the Solomon Islands.

The landing signal officer, hurled onto the platform behind the dock, raised his hand and directed Castello. Even the best landing was not a disaster under the control of the largest fleet raiders, but even on the smaller troopship the performance was even worse. Everyone on the flight deck and bridge of Liscombe Bay watched intently as the fighter approached.

Aircraft Carriers Crossword

Jim Beasley, one of the ship's captains, thought he was a bit tall. Beasley wasn't a pilot, but he knew he'd be tougher when he saw one.

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Castello hit the flight deck fast and hard, and the prisoner jumped onto the rope. Wildcat tries to keep flying for a moment. Then he collapsed. As the flight passed the deck, the left landing gear broke. The bewildered fighter disappeared on the iron plank and into the Pacific Ocean.

Beasley ran to the side of the ship and saw Castello struggling on deck. Before the fly could speak comfortably, the Wild Cat turned into water. Castello's death on October 16 was the first victim of Liscombe Bay. “It left an indelible mark on my mind,” Beasley wrote in an unpublished memoir 50 years later. "I saw him say goodbye to his wife and children at the dock in San Diego."

Castello's Wildcat and TBF Avenger pilots of the 39th Combined Squadron (VC-39) were terrorized. If an experienced pilot like a lieutenant could die in a training accident off the California coast, what chance did they have when the shooting started? As luck would have it, not a chance at all. Seventy-seven pilots and crew of the VC-39 overtook the Liscom Bay Pirates at San Diego for the first time. For more than half of them, it will be a one-way trip.

Liscombe Bay holds the record for the largest loss of a US freighter during the war, but little is known about the ship. . look, the more I believe he has to tell the history of Liscombe Bay. The resulting book, Twenty-Three Eternal Minutes, was published last month by the University of Alabama. It participates in a surprisingly small literature on battleships, but I find that the history of these ships is unique and collective, and not found in books on World War naval history. Monday.

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Officially, the "carrier army," or CVE, was seen as the solution to a problem President Franklin Roosevelt faced before the United States entered the war: cargo ships that supplied supplies to Great Britain and the Soviet Union. sinking in the Atlantic Ocean. by German submarine. Beginning in January 1941, Roosevelt pressured the reluctant Navy to convert merchant ships and tankers into light carriers capable of attacking vulnerable convoys. This is it

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